Banded Living Product Reviews

The bariatric industry is growing daily and since we are a part of it we frequently get various products to try for our personal evaluation. 

Some of these products are also available to the entire weight loss surgery community as samples.  When there are samples available to you, our community, we will let you know, and provide the information within our product review to allow you to easily order your own sample.

We will share our opinions of the products we are offered based on our own individual tastes as weight loss surgery patients.  We will also post them on our FORUMS so you can give your community your honest opinion of the products you are familiar with, or have the opportunity to sample.

This process gives our community the opportunity to read individual opinions about various products, obtain samples to form your own opinions, and make educated choices about those that will be most beneficial to you.

You will see a listing below by product name with a link to the page that contains our review.

Should you have any suggestions for additional products you would like to see reviewed please feel free to email us at

So you know!: From time to time we receive free samples of products, which in no way influences whether the products are reviewed favorably, unfavorably, or mentioned at all.

Products Reviewed


Perky Jerky

Wellesse Joint Movement Glucosamine

Quest Nutrition - High Protein Foods

Bariatric Advantage Meal Replacement Shake