Banded Living Daily Special

Avocado Chicken Burgers

Avocado Chicken Burgers

Ground chicken, avocado and some onion make for a burger that is delish.  Grill them or broil them or cook them in a pan on the stove, whatever works best for you at the moment.



  1. Preheat the outdoor grill to medium or prepare your broiling pan or frying pan with non stick spray
  2. In a bowl combine sea salt, pepper, chicken and onion mixing well (I use my hands)
  3. Divide into 4 equal portions rolling each into a ball
  4. One by one take the ball of chicken and flatten it out on a plate to about 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick
  5. Add one tablespoon of mashed avocado to the flattened burger and then fold the sides into each other, sealing in the avocado and making patties.  Repeat until all 4 are done, refrigerate for at least 1/2 hour to help hold the burgers together on the grill
  6. Grill for about 4 minutes per side until internal temperature is 165 degrees
  7. Add cheese if desired and serve hot
  8. These can be wrapped in lettuce, served with a slice of cheese/and or a slice of tomato on top, or in a bun for the rest of the family


Makes 4 servings, each with approximately