Banded Living Daily Special

Awesome Chicken Salad

Awesome Chicken Salad

Went shopping at Trader Joe’s this afternoon and they were serving tastes of chicken salad made with their cooked chicken and their kale and spinach yogurt dip.  It was delicious, but when I checked out the calories/protein for the kale, spinach yogurt dip it was higher than needed so I came home and created my own, using 0% Greek yogurt, canned chicken and chopped kale and spinach and celery fresh from the Farmer’s market.  It’s awesome stuff, try it, you’ll like it!



  1. Drain and rinse the chicken and put in large mixing bowl
  2. Chop the kale and spinach into small bits
  3. Chop the celery
  4. Add the chopped kale, spinach and celery to the chicken and toss thoroughly breaking up any chunks of chicken
  5. Add the Greek yogurt and mix well
  6. Optional - I added a few twists of fresh ground lemon pepper

Nutritional info:  Five (5) very generous servings (enough for lunch all week at work) will each be around -

So if you must, you can have a few crackers with it.  Other serving suggestions would be to toss on top of a handful of your favorite salad greens, or perhaps stuff a tomato with it, or just use large lettuce leaves, put a dollop of chicken salad in the center, roll up and enjoy.  I think I’ll have a few grapes on the side with mine.