Calories - To Count Or Not To Count - Long Term Lap Band SuccessWhich of these have you heard? -- Eat between 800-1200 calories per day.  Get 60-80 grams of protein per day.  Use a small plate.  Eat protein first, then veggies, then if you have room eat your carbs.  Fifty percent of your calories should be protein.  Seventy percent of your calories should be protein.  You need grains.  You don’t need grains.  Avoid anything white like bread, rice and potatoes.  Eat until you’re satisfied.  Eat 3 meals per day.  Eat 5 meals per day.  Eat 1 cup of food.  Eat ½ cup of food.  Eat 1 ½ cups of food.  Eat firm protein.  Greek yogurt is good for you.  Count your calories.  Don’t count your calories.  Count your protein.  Weigh and measure all of your food.  Eat small portions.  Don’t go back for seconds.  Eat every 3-5 hours.  Only eat when you’re hungry.

Are you confused?  It’s not surprising if you said yes.  Some of the rules that we are given after weight loss surgery seem to contradict each other, others don’t seem to make sense, and yet we are expected to make sense out of it and then achieve and maintain our goal weights with all of this information floating around in our heads. 

This is how I have sorted it out for myself and this is what works for me, and has worked for the past 12 years:

Calories - To Count Or Not To Count - Long Term Lap Band SuccessWhat’s the bottom line here?  All of our “rules” on calories and protein and portion size are recommendations.  Each of our bodies are different.  Be aware and measure and weigh your food so you know what you are consuming, and don’t forget about those liquid calories either.  Set goals for yourself in each of the areas based on your doctor’s recommendations and then journal what you eat and see how you fared after a week.  Did you lose weight?  Did you gain weight?  What can you do differently this next week if it’s not “working” for you.

This week while journaling my intake I found one day that I thought I had been eating all day long.  I was not happy, until I totaled my numbers for the day and found that my choices made a difference.  I had consumed 1100 calories and 124 grams of protein.  Another day I thought I was doing fine until I totaled and saw that I had 1498 calories and 86 grams of protein.  Not the best day, but in maintenance not so horrible either.  I don’t beat myself up if I have made a choice that “doesn’t fit” my program.  I simply look at it and move forward, deciding what I can do the next day and the day after that.

Calories - To Count Or Not To Count - Long Term Lap Band SuccessThe ebb and flow of life dictates some of our behaviors.  We can control what we consume and when we consume it at least 90% of the time.  Take that information and add our weight loss surgery tools and I see SUCCESS written next to YOUR name.  Do YOU?