Banded Living Daily Special


Cauliflower “Fried Rice”

I make roasted cauliflower, cauliflower mashed potatoes, and next on my list is this recipe for cauliflower fried rice to go with some of the stir fried dishes I make.



  1. Remove the core and allow the cauliflower to dry completely
  2. Coarsely chop into florets and then place half the cauliflower into a food processor and pulse until the cauliflower is small and has the texture of rice or couscous
  3. Be careful not to over process or you will have mush
  4. Set aside and repeat with the other ½ of the cauliflower
  5. Combine egg and egg whites in a small bowl and beat with a fork, then season with the pinch of sea salt
  6. Heat a large pan or wok over medium heat and spray with cooking spray.  Add eggs and cook, turning a few times until set.  Remove eggs and set aside
  7. Add the sesame oil and sauté the onions, green onion whites, peas, carrots and garlic about 3 to 4 minutes or until soft
  8. Raise the heat to medium high and add the cauliflower “rice” and soy sauce to the pan.  Mix, cover and cook approximately 5 to 6 minutes stirring frequently until the cauliflower is slightly crispy on the outside but still tender
  9. Add the egg, remove from heat and mix in the green onion “greens”
  10. Serve and enjoy

Nutrition:  Makes about seven ¾ cup servings at approximately