Continued Success After Weight Loss The sun will set at 7:04 PM tonight.  I don’t know about you, but I LOVE the longer days.  I seem to have more energy and can get a lot more done.  I am still falling asleep between 9:30 PM and 10:30 PM most nights, but that’s because I get up between 4:30 and 5:30 most mornings.  What I notice is that instead of my energy dropping to a low between 3 and 4 PM as the sun previously started to get lower in the sky, I am ready to keep going until 7 and then begin my dinner.  That’s why it’s so important to either have a quick meal planned, or at least have the prep work done for me.

Continued Success After Weight Loss What do I do with the extra sunlight?  Do I put off my workout until the afternoon?  Nope, if I did that I would never get to sleep because my workout energizes me and keeps me revved up for several hours.  What I can do is add something else to the mix.  Perhaps a bike ride through the park, or down to the harbor.  Maybe a short walk on the beach, or even just around the block.

Continued Success After Weight Loss I also try to get out on warm, sunny days and soak up the sunshine for a few, whether it is with a cup of tea in my front yard when I get home from the gym, or my lunch and a good book for 30 minutes mid-day.  I hurt less, I am more flexible and just generally feel good when I am exposed to sunshine daily. 

Continued Success After Weight Loss Weekends are my favorite though because there are so many great hiking and biking trails around that range from flat and easy, to big elevation changes, and long and hard.  I can work up slowly to whatever level I choose to be, or just choose to stroll the streets of downtown Ventura window shopping and people watching.

So, grab your bottle of water, and perhaps a protein bar, and come join me outside as I celebrate Spring.  What’s your favorite Springtime activity?