Dealing With The Challenges Of Sugar
Dealing With The Challenges Of Sugar

I decided to ask folks on Facebook what the most challenging part of their journey has been.  The #1 answer was sugar or carb addiction. 

So is sugar addiction real?  It is for me.  This is how it works in my body.  I eat a cookie or a cupcake or some ice cream, and within less than 30 minutes I am wanting more.  If I stop and ask myself, the way I have taught myself and others - Am I Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Thirsty or Stressed (HALTTS), the answer is HUNGRY!  Every single time the answer is hungry.  It is a true physical hunger that goes along with the psychological or emotional hunger.  Can I walk away from this hunger and control it by doing something else until it’s mealtime again?  Sometimes I can, and other times I cannot.  This holds true for most breads, crackers, popcorn, cereals, and the like, as well.

Do you ever find yourself on the sugar merry go round?  Obviously, I do, yet at 12 years post-op I do indulge in a glass of wine, a mixed drink, a cookie, some ice-cream, popcorn and the like.  How do I keep from derailing my healthy eating and still allow the occasional processed sugar/carb into my life?  Good question.

On reflection of how I have dealt with it over the past 12 years this is what I find:

Dealing With The Challenges Of Sugar

If you need help doing this to get yourself back to where you’d like to be feel free to email me or message me on Facebook.  I’ll be happy to help coach you through your challenge.  Food does not have power.  We have the POWER.