Banded Living Daily Special

Fifteen Minute Chicken Salad - As YOU Like it

Fifteen Minute Chicken Salad - As YOU Like it

More great and easy ways to use rotisserie chicken that I get from Costco.  It is good, meaty chicken yielding about 2 lbs of meat.  I weigh out 8 ounces, and use my vacuum sealer to get these packages ready for freezing.  When used this meat tastes like you just peeled it off the chicken. 

This morning I threw together a chicken salad.  This made 4 servings for us at less than 130 calories each.



  1. Mix all of the above together in a large bowl
  2. Separate into 4 containers and store in the refrigerator

Nutrition:  Makes 4 servings, each with approximately


Alternatives to this would be to leave the celery in, take out the peppers and:

What I love about this is it’s real food, not canned, and can be altered slightly for different tastes.  I can eat it over a handful of baby spinach and sliced cucumbers, or eat it right out of the container, or make a lettuce wrap with it.

It is tasty, meets my nutritional requirements and is quick and easy to make.  A sure WIN for me.