Food Journal for Long Term Success
Food Journal for Long Term Success

I had a whirlwind July flying to Las Vegas, then home, then New York, then Connecticut then back home, to turn around and drive to Palm Springs.  It was wonderful.  Vegas was work, the rest was enjoying visiting with friends and family.  This vacation included lots of evenings of cocktails with dinner (1, or rarely 2), tastes of homemade deliciousness from the kitchens of my friends who are both gourmet cooks, and the worst offender was the Italian cookies while I was in New York.  My nephew took us to a great, local Italian bakery to pick up dessert to bring over to his brother’s house and his sister from another mother’s house.  Three nights, too many sweets, and the sugar addiction was kicked back into full gear.  While chicken is sometimes difficult to get past my lap band, it is NEVER a problem to eat all the sweets that I choose.  And I ate them - for breakfast, with lunch, and after dinner, and of course for a bedtime snack.


The result - well it’s predictable; weight gain as well as a head fog and a body slowdown.  Ugh, I hate that feeling.  What was missing from this sweets orgy that might have helped me keep it at least a little bit under control?  Yup, you’ve got it, food journaling. 

Over the 15 years since I have had Weight Loss Surgery, I have journaled the majority of the time.  Why?  Well let’s start at the beginning:

So, what’s the bad news?  A food journal lets you know exactly what and how much you are consuming on a daily basis.  We often forget those bites, and that handful of chips or M&M’s unless we journal them.

And here’s the good news.  A food journal lets you know exactly what, when and how much you are consuming on a daily basis. 

There are more benefits than just the awareness, that actually stem from the awareness of what, when and how much you are eating such as:

So, I am back from vacation, living my best life, back on my regular fitness schedule and journaling everything that goes in my mouth - calories/protein/carbs and water and the first week I put my mind and my pencil to the test and cleared sugar out of my system and chose foods that had my desired ratio of calories to protein I have shed 8 pounds and the fog is gone and my energy has returned, and my pants fit looser.  So what do I mean by ratio of calories to protein?  I discovered very early in my journey that if I choose foods that have at least one gram of protein for every 10 calories, or make sure my meal balanced that way I could consistently lose weight or maintain it, wherever I was at that moment. 

How do I journal?  With pen and paper and pics on my phone.  At home my measuring tools sit on the kitchen counter and it’s really fun to watch my husband support me by bringing the salad dressing (I like all the Bolthouse flavors) to the table with my measuring spoon.  Now that’s love. 

Food Journal for Long Term SuccessI use CalorieKing or FatSecret to look up the nutritional values if they are not on the label of the food I am choosing, and since I eat fresh veggies - a lot - I need access to them.

There are some phone apps that you can use to record everything, but I prefer old school for my journal.

Do you food journal?  What app do you like?  Share with us, everyone can benefit.