Banded Living Daily Special

Healthy Potato Salad

Healthy Potato Salad

Editor’s note:  Submitted by Yolanda Evans - remember that Yolanda is from Australia and brings her Australian charm, wit and accent to all she shares with us.

With the flecks of smoked salmon and caper through it this looks divine and I often serve it as a lunch in it's own right.  Perfect for a girlfriend popping over for lunch.



  1. Place the diced potato in the chicken stock and boil till tender.  The stock gives it a depth of flavor.
  2. Fry the onion in the olive oil spray till translucent
  3. Add the horseradish and caper to the yoghurt and season with salt and pepper. 
  4. Finely chop the arugula and add to the yoghurt dressing. 
  5. Mix all ingredients and add the salmon.  Pile it into a place and it will look spectacular.
  6. This should serve from about 3 to 8 people depending on whether it is the main meal or if it is a side It serves about 3 as a hearty lunch and most banders wont get through the "full serve" but it will look generous enough for any greedy guts guests.

Nutritional values: 

- If you use this as, six servings, each serving is around

Editor’s note:  I might serve a dollop of this on a large butter lettuce leaf surrounded by tiny cherry tomatoes or an olive.  What do you think?