Keeping it RealAfter the holidays, and some bouts of some serious family illnesses, I found my weight over the top of my comfort/maintenance range.  I vowed to knock off the weight and then some as I have a few exciting trips coming up between April and June.

I did exactly what I said I would do with no issues.  Got back into my maintenance weight range and decided I would feel better if I reset my goal and went for another 10 pounds.  This is supported by my medical professionals for various reasons, and by me for the bathing suits and clothes I want to wear in May, on my 50th anniversary cruise.

Keeping it RealI know how to do this, right?  I’ve been doing it for 13+ years, right?  So then why am I frustrated that I have been the same weight for a week and can’t seem to get the weight loss going?  I know plateaus happen.  I also know how to kick them to the curb and start the weight loss again.  What’s missing from my plan?  So, I sat down today to review the plan, because I NEVER give up.  This is what I have set up for myself:

Keeping it RealSounds like I have it all covered, right?  Not quite.  I left out a few important pieces to my kicking the weight loss into action again.  Here’s what I think and what I will do for the next week:

Keeping it RealThat’s a lot more than the 5 basics I had going for me…  That’s looking at the entire person, the whole of my being, instead of just the “metabolic machine”.

Sometimes this is exactly what it takes to start letting go of those ounces and pounds.

Who’s with me here?