Hopping to Long Term Weight Loss Surgery SuccessWith the advent of Spring comes several “holidays” - be they Spring Break, Easter, Passover, or a scheduled vacation.  Easter Sunday is April 1st this year and I don’t plan on being foolish about it.  So far, no Cadbury eggs have passed these lips, although I must admit when a local grocery store advertised buy 2 get 1 free I thought seriously about going and getting 3 - 1 for each of my grandkids… They are teenagers and beyond.  Who was I kidding?  I was using that as an excuse to go get one for myself, and of course for my husband.  Neither of us need the chocolate, or the sugar, or the calories so I quickly threw away that grocery ad.

Hopping to Long Term Weight Loss Surgery SuccessI had a client share with me that everything that’s family related is constantly about food.  Guess what?  THAT’s what it’s been forever, and for those that haven’t had weight loss surgery, that’s what they will continue to center the family gatherings around.

So, Easter dinner or Passover Seder, what are you choosing to do?  Will you just eat a little bit of everything or will you make sure there’s something for you to eat that is protein first and meets your other needs?

Hopping to Long Term Weight Loss Surgery SuccessMy choice, because I am currently following a food program to rid my body of winter’s carbohydrate bashes and take off a few pounds is to make sure I bring food that I can eat.

Instead of bringing a dessert to the dinner I am bringing a side dish.  For me it will be roasted asparagus.  I love it and it is a spring vegetable that is fresh and beautiful this time of year.  There is protein in it and I will also bring a poultry, fish, or meat source for myself, just in case there is no meat or fish that fits my plan.  I can keep this in my car in a cooler and only get it if necessary.

I will not be deprived because what’s being served for Passover dinner is nothing I can’t live without, and many things that my Lap Band doesn’t approve of anyway.

I am going to join my family for the company, the gathering, the get together, the Seder, the celebration, NOT for the food.

Hopping to Long Term Weight Loss Surgery Success

Happy Spring!  Happy Easter!  Happy Passover!