How I Streamline Meal PlanningMost of you know I had Lap Band Surgery in 2004.  I lost 270 pounds and am maintaining that loss.  Did the Lap Band - or any weight loss surgery for that matter, do it for me?  NO… As you all know, we have to do the work as well.  I admit it - I LOVE food and I will only eat delicious food.  I am NOT on a Diet.  I am, 13 years later, living a life I never could have imagined when I hobbled along, in constant pain, at 424 lbs.

I have a busy life.  You have a busy life.  We all have obligations that require our time and effort and yet we all still need to eat.  Right?  I have found a way that works for me to streamline some of my meal planning and prep.  Here’s what it looks like for me. 

The Farmer’s market is only 5 minutes from my house so my score of purple carrots, eggplant, heirloom tomatoes, Japanese cucumbers, basil, baby spinach radishes and green beans and a deliciously ripe cantaloupe - ALL organic - ALL from a farm about 20 minutes from my door, took only 15 minutes.

How I Streamline Meal PlanningI began the process this week at about 9am, and including breakfast and prepping the frittata and some chicken salad, going to the Farmer’s Market, coming home and putting things away, chopping veggies and cleaning up, the entire process was done by noon.  Had I needed to I could have made some hard boiled eggs during this time also.  And then I sat down with my water bottle and began to type.

It’s not hard, it doesn’t really take much time (remember breakfast was in there as well - Sunday, leisurely breakfast with my hubby); and it assures that I always have something tasty to grab for when I am hungry.

How I Streamline Meal Planning

The real benefit is the time, money, and calories I save throughout the week.