Success After Weight Loss SurgeryI am starting today’s blog with the definitions of 3 words that I use and/or frequently see used by weight loss surgery patients.

Reason - noun - definition:  A cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event

Excuse - noun - definition:  A reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense

Rationalization - noun - definition:  The action of attempting to explain, or justify behavior, or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.


Success After Weight Loss SurgeryLet’s take a moment and explore the differences and how we’ve found ourselves using these words:

While Webster doesn’t see much of a difference between reason and excuse, I do.  I see reason as a cause, or explanation - in that light it could have real merit.  On the other hand I see excuse as a justification, or means of rationalizing an action.


Success After Weight Loss SurgeryLet me give you some examples:

I woke up late so I didn’t get to the gym.

I was really stressed out so I ate the box of cookies.

To me, both of these are excuses; merely an attempt to justify my behaviors with what appear to be logical reasons, even though they are really not appropriate.

Why aren’t they appropriate?  Simply because there are many ways I could have chosen to avoid the actions.  I could have set an alarm and made it to the gym on time or I could have gone late.  I could have found many others ways to de-stress besides eating cookies.  Do you see my point?  I have no intention of beating myself up over choosing the excuses - I simply want to recognize them for what they are so I can change my actions in the future - learn from the experience.

Success After Weight Loss SurgeryI challenge each, and every one, of you to find something you have rationalized this past year and acknowledge it, move through it, and strategize a different choice for “next time”

Share them if you choose, we ALL have many things to learn this lifetime.