Life after Weight Loss SurgeryI had my weight loss surgery when I was 55 years and 8 months old.  OLD was exactly how I felt.  I had been abusing my body with excesses of food for as long as I could remember, and if you look at my “baby” pictures you’ll see I was a chubby 2 year old and it continued until I ate myself to 424 pounds.  THAT is a lot of poundage to haul around for a few years…  I think I reached that weight a year or two before my surgery.  Before that it had been the low 200’s, then the high 200’s then the 300’s, and you get the picture. 

I went up and down, losing 100 pounds on several occasions.  My point is not my ups and downs in weight.  What I get to live with today, as a 69 years and 5 month YOUNG woman is the result of that abuse that continued for upwards of 53 years.

Life after Weight Loss SurgeryIt’s left me with edema in my right leg due to a blood clot (DVT) when I was about 32, I have had scoliosis for years (it’s a genetic disposition), I have age related macular degeneration, and I walked around with high blood pressure for who knows how long, I have arthritis in many joints, my right knee being the worst of the bunch, and I have recently been diagnosed with peripheral vascular disease.

I sound like a mess, right?  If my back’s not hurting then my knee is, I hate driving at night any more, walking on pavement hurts my legs and my back, and many nights I wake up with pains in my legs, and the outstanding veins in my legs are not a pretty sight.

Life after Weight Loss SurgeryWow, I could curl up in a corner and order a rocking chair to be delivered to my front door by Amazon and call it quits, right?


I will NEVER allow a medical condition to define who I am.  I had weight loss surgery to be the BEST me that I could be and because I didn’t want to die.  I choose LIFE.  That means that to stay flexible and mobile I am at the gym 5 days a week, swimming, running on the elliptical and strength training. 

That’s just a little bit of what I can do.

Life after Weight Loss SurgeryI can swim, snorkel, scuba, kayak, and fish in the ocean and will be mastering Stand Up Paddleboard soon.  I can hike at elevations over 2 miles high for a few miles, not be breathless or in pain because dirt trails (even with rocks to negotiate) do not cause me pain; I can ride a bicycle for miles, I can walk on the beach.  I can work in the kitchen for hours creating new recipes for my next cookbook. 

These are all physical things I CAN DO.  It all started with one lap in a swimming pool at over 300 pounds.

Life after Weight Loss SurgeryNow my days are filled with fitness and fun activities I can enjoy because of my fitness level.

All because I decided that I CAN.  Life is all about perspective.  I choose to accentuate the positive.

What CAN you do?