I am not ruled by my dnaThe time changed, my body still is getting up at 4:30 am which is now 3:30 am and at 5 pm, as the sun sets, so does my energy.  This occurs for me every year and then, as the days get shorter and shorter building to the winter solstice on December 21st - the shortest day of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere, I notice other changes in my being.

I often wonder if anyone else has the same or similar responses so feel free to email me or message me on Facebook and let me know.  Here is what seems to happen:

I am not ruled by my dna

I am not ruled by my dnaI wonder if this is some sort of genetic imprinting since my heritage is that of the Minsk region of Belarus.  There have been numerous studies done with findings providing evidence of “transgenerational epigenetic inheritance” - that the environment can affect an individual’s genetics, which in turn can be passed on.  When I look at the weather for November - January in Belarus I see 99% cloudiness with snow, ice and temperatures averaging from minus 10 to zero degrees.  In my book, THAT is a reason to stay indoors, eat carbs to stay warm and remain under a blanket all day.

I am not ruled by my dnaHow do I deal with it since I have had Weight Loss Surgery and the carb monster doesn’t serve my goals, nor does staying under a blanket hiding serve my goals.  It is simple to elocute, but difficult some days to execute:

I am not ruled by my dnaBasically, I do the same thing that I do during the summer when I am full of energy from sun up to sun down, and I just keep going without letting my “transgenerational epigenetic inheritance” control my moods.

I am proactive in my life and choose to be positive.  It’s what works best for me.  It takes too much energy to be miserable.