Thin Mint Cookie
Sabotaging my lap band
with the ubiquitous THIN MINT!
Even though the days were getting longer, and brighter, and warmer in the last weeks I found myself finding reasons (ok, excuses) to fall back into some very old and very bad habits.  First, I caught the miserable cold virus that has been circulating all over the place and found myself unable to breathe, unable to sleep and worrying about meeting all of my obligations which included my trip to Washington DC ( a mad 36 hour, 6000 mile round trip) and then coming home to take care of my 2 younger grandchildren who attend 2 different schools and go to school and get home at different times.  This meant no gym in the morning, and shortened work days to pick them up timely.  As it turns out I went almost a week without going to the gym and found out that besides keeping me fit and somewhat toned and burning calories I also de-stress when I work out.  By Saturday morning when the kids were ready to go to the pool and go swimming I was close to drowning them.  (figuratively of course).  I was wound up so tight that I was afraid to let go for fear of damaging anything or anyone near me.  In addition I found myself looking for carbs and guess what, I found them.  The darling little Girl Scout Troop was outside my local market selling cookies, and while I could avoid the cookies inside, the Thin Mints were calling to me.  Yup, I answered.  I brought home not 1, but 2 boxes and promptly put them in the freezer.  (they taste better that way).  I don’t remember when, and I don’t remember how, but I did manage to consume both boxes over the next few days, and, just in case you are interested, I did NOT share a single one with my grandkids.  They had their treats, and I had mine.  Talk about mean and selfish, but Thin Mints, come on!
The net result of this momentary lapse into insanity was not only did I feel bad, with aches and pains, but I had the worst attitude and could not get out of my bad mood.  The full moon must have been compounding the issue, right?  I wonder how much weight I gained.  Actually, it doesn’t matter, that is just a number.  The most important thing is I stopped.  I’m done.  I know what I did, and my jeans will start loosening up in a few days and I’ll jump back on the scale then and check things out.  Meantime it is planned meals and planned snacks and those do not include any Thin Mints, not even one.  It’s been 4 days since my last Thin Mint and my body is still not straightened out yet, but I’m getting there.
I have made it to the gym, a little late each day as I tried to talk myself out of going but lost the argument, ate my Greek yogurt for breakfast, warmed my Lean Cuisine for lunch, had my grapes and cheese for my snack and then my salad and fish for dinner and I am close to being a member of the human race again.  My thoughts are clearing up, my energy level is improving and I am not fantasizing about my next cookie.  I am springing forward into my days instead of pedaling backwards.  My personal lesson for today appears to be that setbacks are all a part of bandedliving and even at 7 years out I need to deal with them.  The good thing is that I recognize what’s going on, can recover, change my ways, change my attitude and, isn’t that what “normal” people do?