In June of 2008, I was nearly two years into my Banded Living journey.  I knew my surgeon was going to the annual meeting of bariatric surgeons and I searched for words, to thank him for the work he did to help me along this journey.  I decided to come up with a list of things that I was grateful for as I broke free from the burdens of obesity.

It's amazing how much my life has changed as a result of Banded Living™!  So here are the 10 top things I told Dr. Billy I was grateful for back in 2008: 

  1. I am a better wife. I have more room in my heart now that I am no longer pre-occupied with the insecurities of being obese. I'm incredibly grateful to my husband for his support and understanding.
  2. I am a much better role model for my children. They don't have the pain of a fat mother. My kids model my eating and exercise habits.
  3. I am more fit today at forty seven than I ever was in my life. My primary care MD told me I was a ""great specimen""
  4. I look forward to waking up every morning. A black cloud has lifted.
  5. I've given away my old clothes. I know I won't need them again. There will be no more boxes in my attic filled with clothes in different sizes.
  6. I have a great support network. I know I have a team of people behind me 7x24 that is absolutely committed to my success
  7. I receive a lot more respect from strangers.
  8. I believe that my mom is looking down from above and smiling. I've broken a cycle that has plagued generations in my family.
  9. Instead of being the fattest person in the room, I've noticed that lately I'm often the fittest.
  10. Every day of my life, for as long as I can remember, I wondered what it would be like to live in a normal body. Now I have one, and I believe I have the tools and support to maintain a healthy body and appetite for the rest of my life.