Lap Band Success Interrupted - I Have My New DateMy saga continues.  I have been without my WLS tool since 10/1/14.  I had all my tests done, all is ok and now it’s time for me to schedule my revision and get back on the “bandwagon”, literally as well as figuratively.

Lap Band Success Interrupted - I Have My New DateLet me tell you that not having a tool has been playing some big tricks on my emotions.  This has been a roller coaster to say the least.  The first week or so after my band was removed there was enough swelling from the surgery itself that the amount I was able to consume at one sitting was still small thank goodness.  As time passed and the swelling subsided capacity and emotional hunger out of fear and frustration returned together with a vengeance.

Some days I won, some days I lost.  Every day I tried and did my best.  Keeping both my fitness and my water in place has been key to my sanity.

Lap Band Success Interrupted - I Have My New DateSo I set my date.  On Monday, November 17th I will join the ranks of the newly banded and I am terrified, excited, and happy all in the same sentence:

Lap Band Success Interrupted - I Have My New DateThat’s it for now, so on Monday think of me and think good thoughts, think successful Lap Band surgery and moving forward with all things in their right place- food, fitness, water, vitamins, personal accountability of course.

See you all on the other side!