Buyer's remorse is very common in the early days after weight loss surgery.  It's not unusual to wake up from surgery, in pain, under the haze of anesthesia and wonder ""WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY BODY?""

This is one successful patient's experience with buyer's remorse:

""It's been a long and restless night.  I hate hospitals.  Getting up and walking around is a real chore in here.  It's an obstacle course for someone as large as me, especially with the painkillers in my system.  Good thing my husband is here with me to help. 

The nurses never seem to be around when you need them, but are always there to wake you when you finally fall asleep.  My left shoulder is aching horribly.  It was explained to me that this is normal - caused by gas trapped in the body trying to get out.  It didn't help, it still hurts like the dickens, and I hate the way the pain meds make me feel....all creepy and crawly and itchy....  I am trying to get up and move around, but it is hard - it hurts to get in and out of bed, but I am doing it anyway. 

That is how I was feeling the morning after my lap band surgery.  I was really wondering if I had made a huge mistake having surgery at all.  I was in a drugged haze, but still was worried that something was wrong.  It shouldn't hurt this much, I shouldn't feel this bad, I want to go back to the way I was day before yesterday and just forget about this surgery thing.  I will never be able to lose weight anyway.  I am a lost cause.""

All of these feelings are not unusual post surgery.  They can come up anywhere from the day of surgery through the first few weeks after surgery.

If you're feeling this way understand that it is normal and reach out to talk with someone about your feelings.  This is where a member of your team can be very helpful.  Call a friend who has also had surgery, your mentor, talk with a loved one.  Write down your feelings.  Call your doctor's office.  You may also want to review your goals in terms of health and quality of life to remind yourself why you chose surgery.