By the time you all are reading this I will be home from my trip to the OR to have my port repaired.  I consider this my 100, 000 mile tune up and am so looking forward to getting my band back into the green zone.  September 2014 will be a memorable month for me:

  1. I turned 65 on 9/15
  2. I get a new port and tubing on 9/18
  3. I get my satiety back!!!!

Sandi Then and Now.I have so much to be thankful for.  I just looked at my before pic and it’s hard to remember how difficult it was to get around back in early 2004.  When the pre-op nurse called me on 9/12 to review my allergies, medical history, needs, etc and asked about my mobility I was thrilled to be able to say I would run into the OR and jump up onto the operating table if it would make this surgery go any faster.  She laughed, but I meant it.

If I am so ready and willing to hop up on that OR table why I am nervous?  I ask myself this question 100 times a day.  Could it be because the interview with the pre-op nurse included a question about an advance directive.  Yes, I have one.  I wouldn’t want my husband or my daughter or any relative to have to make decisions about whether I live as a vegetable or not.  I know my thoughts clearly on that, but sheesh... it’s only a port repair, did you have to bring up the Grim Reaper?  Ok, I guess you have to, but let’s move on now PLEASE!

Now I have to wonder what Dr. Billy meant when I asked him if a week of liquids, a week of mushies and then progressing to solids was “enough” and his only reply was “you will have a fast progression.” That’s like when I would tell him I just had “a little bit” of something and he would just stare at me and smile.  I guess turnabout is fair here.  Hope I get to speak to him for a minute before surgery n Wednesday.  So how do I prepare?  What do I have on hand for my 2 days of liquids before surgery and at least 1-2 days of liquids after surgery, or however long “fast progression” is going to mean?  Let’s review my list so far:

I am ready for this, and it’s still 5 days until my surgery.  Whew, now I can go get ready for the weekend and celebrating my birthday.  See you on the other side!