Sandi before weight loss surgeryI recently celebrated my seventh year “bandiversary”.  Wow, I am not sure back in May of 2004 I would have believed that I could have reached the level of success that I have worked so hard for.  No more medications for high blood pressure and asthma, no c-pap machine, no driving need yet for knee replacement although at age 62, with severe osteo-arthritis in my right knee it is coming sometime in the future.  Who would have thought that a 424 pound woman would find herself at the gym 5-6 mornings per week swimming, doing aerobic workouts on the elliptical, weight training, or even bicycle riding for FUN on the weekends and days off.  Not me, that's for sure.  The most I hoped for was to get off enough weight to be able to move around a little and not be in pain constantly.  I wanted to “resolve” as much of my high blood pressure as possible.  Instead here I am, 62 years young, celebrating life every day.  What do I attribute this to?  While I did “the work” I had a tool that made it all possible.  That's right, my lap band. My surgeon has said many times that he doesn't know why putting a band around the stomach of a 424 pound woman who was obviously doing a lot wrong would result in her losing 250 pounds.  The answer is - I AM NOT HUNGRY ALL THE TIME.  Reaching the anniversary of my surgery has me reflecting on what this has meant to me, from 2004 to the present day so let's review and see if it makes any sense:

Sandi after weight loss surgeryLong (7 years) story short I learned a lot about hunger and how the hunger mechanism interfered with my life, and how to get it under control.  Here are some of my takeaways from the past seven years of not “suffering” from a ravenous hunger that was almost irresolvable:

That almost inexpressible state called satiety is really and truly within my reach as long as I pay attention.  All this because of a silicon band placed around my stomach.