Girl Scout cookies, Boy Scout Popcorn, Team candy sales, lions and tigers and bears, oh my!  Has anyone besides me noticed that fund raisers for our kids are junk food centric?  It makes it kind of tough for a long term sugar addict to make it through a year without falling prey to some highly processed garbage being sold in the name of fund raising.  So far I have, but then it’s only February.

Girl Scout Cookies

My grandkids thankfully have outgrown their scouting days so it’s friends and neighbors kids that I get to contend with.  It makes it easier because grandma and grandpa are not involved with the selling or distributing of the “crack” in question.  Thank goodness for small favors.

I have found my way to make it through the Girl Scout cookie sales in front of the supermarkets and the door to door sales.  I am grateful for this small challenge and will share it with all of you.  It also works for those of you in an office environment who have folks putting their kids sign up lists under your noses daily.

It’s simple and it does not involve saying NO and being perceived as a meanie by anyone.  As a matter of fact, it actually involves saying YES, feeling good about what you are doing, and “committing” a random act of kindness.

The American FlagTo the Girl Scout cookies I ask the girl which is her favorite cookie.  When she tells me I tell her that I’ll take one box of those.  As she goes to get the box I advise her that I want it sent to the troops protecting our country.  Most of the girls know about this, a few do not, but someone at the table is always willing to help.  Worst case, just give them the $4 as a donation to their troop.  Best case, some folks somewhere in the world, away from our daily lives but protecting our freedom and keeping us safe will have a treat because of your decision to say YES to a box of cookies.

My question is simply why don’t all of the tables have a sign letting people know they can donate cookies to the US military?