Sandi in 2001 before Weight Loss SurgeryThis week’s installment of “As The Stoma Turns” brings me weighing in at exactly the weight I was before my trip to New York and before stuffing my face with processed carbs as I dealt with family and my sister in law’s passing.  I got this done without a lot of assistance from my band.  I will have more information by the end of this week as to what is going on there.

These are my lessons, my insights, from this experience of weight gain from mindless eating and stuffing of emotions:

Sandi 2013 enjoying life after weight loss surgeryStaying true to myself, and all of you, on this journey has always been what I am about.  I will share with you what I find out about my band next week.  In the meantime I can continue tracking my food, planning my meals with care, eating mindfully, having alternatives to go to when grabbing something with unnecessary calorie just will not do, and continuing to win my personal battle with obesity.

When I looked back at my two and three year mark and realized just what I had managed to accomplish I made a promise to myself:  NEVER AGAIN!