So I had a random thought (oh no, -- not another one!) while swimming laps this morning.  What is the difference between progress and success?  This led to another thought- Is there actually a difference between progress and success?  I swam for another 20 minutes while pondering those two questions and decided to continue that line of thinking by looking up dictionary definitions of the two words.  Here goes according to Webster’s dictionary:

Progress and SuccessProgress - a forward or onward movement as to an objective or to a goal, or a gradual betterment

Success -a favorable or desired outcome

I have stared at those two definitions and come to the conclusion that it is progress I desire in my life.  I choose to be moving forward daily toward the objective of living the best life that I can and in the process I am experiencing a gradual betterment of that life.

How do I measure that progress?  Is it by a number on a scale?  That is only one measure and that is what lets me know I am maintaining that forward movement.  There are so many other measures of my progress that speak to my goals of living the best life that I can.  I decided to look at them here and share them with you. 


There are many many more indicators of my personal progress.  These are but a few that come to mind quickly.  All fit the category of non scale victories.  All speak towards my personal goal of making each day the best that I can so that my life is the best that it can be.

In a nutshell then, on my journey to good health there is actually no difference between progress and success because, as you can see, each measure of my progress is a success in and of itself.

Enjoy your journey, measure your progress, every step forward is a step into the life you have chosen.  Make it your best life possible.