Sandi going into 2013Here I am at the start of my 9th year after lap band surgery.  Can it really have been that long ago?  Did I ever really weigh 424 pounds?  I promised I wouldn’t look back and reflect, but I find I have to because I am so grateful for the life I have now that I can’t even begin to think of what life, were I still alive, would have been like today still weighing 424 pounds.  Would I be in a wheelchair?  On oxygen?  Watching soap operas on TV as my only pastime?  I certainly would not be where I am today.

Let’s look at where I am today.  I am 64 years old, almost 9 years older than the day I had surgery and a senior citizen in the eyes of some.  Well, I’ll use the senior thing for discounts into the movie theater but that’s where it ends folks.  I am up every morning before 6, at the gym by 6:30, get in my cardio and weight training, shower, dress and now I come home to start the rest of my day.  I closed the doors on the computer business I ran for 23 years.  It was a bit difficult, but I want to pursue my dreams now that I can.  So what does the rest of my day look like?  Where do I start?  I come home, grab a cup of green tea and fire up my laptop.  That’s right, it’s Facebook, and email time.  I don’t really look at my smart phone until after my gym time.  I’ve learned that if it is critical someone will call, not text or email, but actually do a shout out so my gym time is MINE.

After answering emails, responding on Facebook and posting on the forums I take a deep breath.  Do I want to “blog” about something, call some of the bariatric practices I have been working with to become “one” with the WLSFA, work on my new class schedule, or?  Since Christmas it has been working on our new class offerings and getting them planned, scheduled and the info out to the world because WLS Success Matters and I want to reach as many people as I possibly can and offer them as much support as I possibly can.  That is my passion.  That is what I now do all day (and recently most of the night as well).  It’s hard work, but it is so rewarding to be able to pay it forward to a community filled with so many wonderful people who I have yet to meet, so many veterans who have helped me along the way and the newbies who I never cease to learn from. 

I will leave it at that.  This year, 2013 will be filled with many first runs for me and I look forward to them with excitement and much anticipation.  Thanks for being there for me, and I hope you are enjoying the ride as much as I am.

Let’s make 2013 the year we claim and maintain our health, and let joy and happiness reign.

Happy New Year 2013