Living Life One Day At A TimeI am sitting here in front of my computer wondering what I want to chat with you all about.  Here I am, 67 years young, 11+ years post-op Lap Band Surgery, 270 pounds lighter than when I started this journey in 2004.  So what now?  What’s my next?  What’s my vision for me for 2016 and beyond?

How do I get there?  How do I stay there?  How did I get where I am today?

Living Life One Day At A TimeIt all started when I believed.  First I believed that Lap Band was possibly an answer to my life long battle with my weight.  Then I believed that I could learn everything I needed to learn and live through the surgery.  I was terrified that I would die on the operating table.  At 54+ years old, 424 pounds with high blood pressure, sleep apnea, asthma, and a host of other maladies, it was a strong possibility in my head.  Then I believed in the power of the support group at my Doctor’s office, and all of the staff available to help me through the process.  And then I had surgery.  Day by day I gained more confidence in myself, to make it through this journey to health.

Now here I am, a not so senior citizen (wink wink), who is at the gym 5 days a week, getting a 5k in on the elliptical in 40 minutes, weight lifting, swimming, doing yoga, riding my bicycle, hiking, living my life, and making healthy food and drink choices daily.

Did I have to give up a lot to get here?  You bet, some of it was difficult - changing habits always is; some of it wasn’t that hard - some of the time.  Let’s look at what I gave up:

Living Life One Day At A TimeBut wait, I still have chips, crackers, cookies and chocolate on occasions, just NOT in the huge portions I previously consumed them.  I can choose to totally eliminate them from my lifestyle or I can choose to control the quantity I consume.  Typically for me I made the choice based on whether or not I wanted to lose weight that week or just maintain, knowing that my choices were responsible for my weight on my weigh in day.

I had a vision of becoming a normal size person who was no longer invisible, no longer ashamed of the way I looked, and who could fit in with any group.

I chose to let go of being the vulnerable fat lady who insulated her fear of rejection with a bad attitude towards others.

Living Life One Day At A TimeMy vision for the next year is to continue working out, holding back the clock as much as I can, aging with grace, dignity and style and keeping my health as my priority because with my health so came my happiness.  I could feel good about ALL aspects of me.

Are you struggling with your fears, with shame, with embarrassment about where you are on your personal journey?  Let’s start the healing - let’s access the Power of YOU.  Join me in participating in one of the programs offered by myself and Wendy Campbell, another long term successful Weight Loss Surgery patient.  We are bariatric educators, coaches, and support group leaders.  Go to and let go of your fears and start living your dreams.