Making Peace With The Scale And Myself
Making Peace With The Scale And Myself
Making Peace With The Scale And Myself
Making Peace With The Scale And Myself
Making Peace With The Scale And Myself

As my journey continues and I stand on the scale every morning I find that I am no longer in fear of what the number will be.  I no longer stare at it for a moment thinking “I wonder if that _____ I had yesterday is going to show up as a gain today?” Or, I no longer hesitate, and say, ” I am not going to weigh myself until the end of the week because I can get the number down by then, so my weekend will not look so bad on the scale.”

I get up, I use the restroom, I jump on the scale and I head downstairs for my first cup of tea.  I record the number in the notebook that sits on my kitchen bar; I dole out my vitamins, open my tea bag, and get the hot water going into the cup.  When it’s done I sit down, turn on my Kindle and read the latest “junk novel” I have downloaded.

At about 6 am I go on line to Facebook and check in with the groups I am currently facilitating, read my email, and then head back upstairs to brush my teeth, wash my face, and get dressed to go to the gym.  And so on, and so forth, my day just continues.

So what’s the miracle here you ask?  It’s simple, getting on the scale each morning is just a part of my routine, like taking my vitamins, brushing my teeth or having a cup of tea to start the day.  It’s a habit.  The scale has absolutely no control over me.  It is an inanimate object that keeps a record of numbers for me.  What I choose to do with that information is what is important, not the number itself.  The number has no reflection on my character- am I a good person, am I a bad person….  How could an inanimate object determine my worth?  It can’t.  The scale does not speak to me of failure, or for that matter of success.  Sure I am happy when the number goes down to a new all-time low, but it’s not the scale that makes me happy, or the number itself.  It is the knowledge that I have taken the actions to create change.  Same holds true if the number on the scale is higher than yesterday’s number.  I have taken some action to create that change and what I choose to do about it is where the power lies.

So once again, I have discovered that I AM THE POWER - I have the power of choice - I can choose to cower in a corner afraid to jump on the scale because I had a glass of wine last night, or jump on it, see what the number is and go forward with my day and my choices.

I am the result of the actions I take daily.  I am a success because I work on being the best ME I can be each day.  Being the best me includes being healthy, happy and living a fit life.  Those actions are what give me the POWER to not let the scale influence my mood.  The scale measures my weight every single morning I am at home.  ME, I, my actions, my voice, these are what measure my self-worth!