Thanksgiving Turkey - For Weight Loss Surgery PatientsThe first official eating orgy day is nearly upon us and I am stepping back, thinking seriously about it and planning both my meal and my day.  I need to plan my meal because I have at least 12 folks around my dinner table on Thanksgiving Day, and I eat protein first, some are gluten free and others just want to gorge.  Hmm, a bit of a dilemma here….How am I to keep everyone happy, including ME?  I start by planning my meal and this is how it will go:

I believe I have successfully lightened up the meal, covered the gluten free needs and still have a dinner that those who wish to gorge can enjoy.

I need to plan my day so that I can optimize the entire experience.  Here’s my plan:

Now I feel like I have this under control.  How do you plan your Thanksgiving Day to optimize your journey to good health?