It is now more than two weeks since my band was removed.  I do hope to eventually get it replaced, but that is another blog for another time.  Here I sit today, 10 years and 5 months after my lap band surgery, living a new and different life.  At least I thought I was anyway.

As you can well imagine, the last two weeks have had me digging deep into the crevices of my mind coming up with all sorts of reasons as to why I can’t do this without a band.  I used terms like white knuckling it, hard, hungry with a vengeance, and I’ll do the best I can do without my tool.

Facts are more like this - while I don’t have my lap band, I do have a toolbox full of good ideas and tips and tricks I have learned over the years. 

Food ChoicesJust because I don’t have a band at the moment doesn’t give me permission to:

I could go on and on but I think the picture becomes clear.  I can be mindful of all of my choices around food, nutrition, hydration and exercise.  I will continue taking all of my vitamins and supplements.

I am not throwing in the towel, nor am I white knuckling it.  Both of those are nothing more than excuses that permit a level of behavior that I find personally unacceptable.

Does this mean I will never have a dessert, or a piece of candy, or an adult beverage?  NO it does not.

I will continue to live as I have for the past 10 years, tracking my food choices, planning my meals, planning my exercise, getting in my water and living my life. 

Why am I telling you all of this?  Because, just maybe, you have had to have the fluid removed from your band, or even your band removed and you are frightened, as I am, of not having a tool. 

Choices - We Must DecideThe BEST tool that we have is the one between our ears, the one that makes the choices; the one that has learned, with the use of the lap band, that it is about quality, not quantity.  So go ahead and enjoy your tasty breakfast, lunch or dinner.  I will, on my salad plate.

NO EXCUSES is really what it’s all about for me right now.  How about YOU?