Success After Lap Band Surgery - Beating The Odds
Success After Lap Band Surgery - Beating The Odds
Success After Lap Band Surgery - Beating The Odds
Success After Lap Band Surgery - Beating The Odds

It’s now the end of the first week in March, and Spring is just around the corner.  While I’m still getting up in the dark, daylight and I soon will be on the same schedule.  I can’t wait!

I am at the gym Monday - Friday by 7:30 AM the latest.  I have noticed a distinct change in the last 2 weeks.  The parking lot has fewer cars, the locker room fewer people and there is no competition for machines or free weights.  Wonder what that’s all about?

It’s easy.  Folks set New Year’s resolutions to lose weight, exercise more and start out with great intentions and no real plan.  The very moment something steps in their path and creates a bit of an obstacle, instead of walking around it and heading in the direction they “committed” to on January 1st, they use the obstacle as a reason to quit.  Their “will power” loses out to their “I can’t”.  This is true for 92% of the people who make New Year’s resolutions according to Forbes Magazine. 

The difference between being one of the quitters and one of the committed can actually be summed up with a few statements:

Success After Lap Band Surgery - Beating The OddsJust a few methods I use to keep myself moving forward, to constantly have new goals to work towards and to fine tune my healthy life.

Please don’t share these tips with the folks who no longer have to share a lane with me in the swimming pool.  I like beating the odds and being in that 8%.