Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery Last week our Santa Ana winds started blowing, and blowing, and blowing.  My nose starting running, my head got stuffed up, and as the heat wore on - so did my symptoms.  Friday I got my 30 minutes swim done and then off for a 2+ hour round trip drive to see my brother in LA.  It was day two of three days of making this drive.  Good thing I love my brother so it really didn’t matter where he landed in California I would go to see him.

So what does visiting with my family look like?  Probably similar to yours.  It was a lot of sitting around chatting away about yesterday, today, and tomorrow - with constant snacks and meals in front of us. 

Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery I made a stop at Costco for a shrimp ring so that I knew I had a good option for snacking; however, being human I did give in to some temptations along the way.  Sitting around was the worst part of it.  I don’t do that well, especially when folks are rehashing the same story arguing about finite details of it for hours.  Isn’t that what old people do?  LOL.  I love my brothers dearly and did participate in some reminiscing but when I started talking about what was next for them they pretty well had nothing.  No travel plans, no adventures, just which TV show they wanted to binge watch after getting a hijacked version of it from some plug in somewhere, somehow.  They had no interest in our plans to travel, or in talking about bicycles or hiking or anything that included getting up from the chair if it wasn’t shopping for food or cigars.  Wow, times have changed. 

Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery When they were younger my brothers would take trips all over the country, camping with their kids, had a sense of adventure and seemed to be living life to the fullest.  It hurts my heart to see them sitting around.  I have no control over them so I just did my own thing; and my niece in law told me I had to go to Peru to Machu Picchu where they had recently returned from some fabulous hiking.  When I pointed out that I might not be up to multi day hikes and camping I was shown short day hikes in the beautiful mountains that hubby and I would be able to negotiate.  Okay, I will add that to my bucket list; which, as items get crossed off seems to have twice as many added.  This is how I like it.  Living my life to the fullest each and every day. 

Back to head spins in the water and what this has to do with being active.  My sinus congestion continues - BIG TIME… I have two choices here.  I could let it get me down and each morning turn over in bed, finally get myself up, wrap myself in a blanket of misery and treat myself as if I were never going to get over this cold/allergy thing, stuff carbs into my face all day and wallow in self pity (which leads to self disgust), OR I could get up, get some coffee in me and head to the gym for my fitness to be able to get the most out of the day.

Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery I did just that on Monday morning - got up, got to the gym and got my fitness in…  elliptical and strength training time.  I felt better.  It wasn’t my best workout but it was the best workout I had in me for Monday.  I went to bed at 9 PM on Monday night and woke up Tuesday morning feeling somewhat better although this time I had a sinus headache.  Once again it was decision time.  I opted for my Tuesday swim, had my coffee, made my shake and off to the gym I went.  The first length in the pool felt grand, however as I turned to make my way back the head spin from the sinus blockage began.  Uh oh I thought I might have to cut this short.  Two strokes later I was fine and the world was stable.  This continued my entire swim and after 30 minutes I called time on it.  A little uncomfortable, a little off balance as the head spin began, but 30 solid minutes of swimming laps was done.

Guess what?  Headache was 100% gone.  My head congestion continues, but my eyes are a little brighter, my body feels a little looser, and overall I am ready to get my day.  A few head spins are not going to hold me back, not today, not tomorrow and I do not plan on ever sitting and watching the world go by again.  I am going to LIVE every day of it even if it means some head spins in the water….Change does happen ONLY when we step outside our comfort zone, right?  (wink, wink)