Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery - How I Buy Girl Scout Cookies and WIN!It’s that time of year again.  Every time you head to the supermarket, or the hardware store, or the mall, or answer your doorbell; here stands an adorable child dressed in green selling to you, a Weight Loss Surgery patient, COOKIES.  For years I would fall prey to the selling tactics of just too darned cute to refuse, and buy enough Thin Mints to fill a corner of my freezer.  Yes, Thin Mints, those wonderful chocolaty bits that taste better right out of the freezer with a cup of coffee, tea, or even a glass of milk.

Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery - How I Buy Girl Scout Cookies and WIN!Wait, I forgot, there are now websites that pair your Girl Scout Cookies with the appropriate wine… Really?  A nice Syrah or perhaps a fruity Zinfandel, maybe even a Pinot Noir would be lovely with a sleeve of frozen Thin Mints.  Can you taste it now?  I can.  What goes well with those chocolaty peanut butter marvels called Tag-Alongs?  I’m thinking a nice chilled Pinot Gris, or perhaps an earthy Viognier?  Failing those two wine pairings a tall glass of milk or a nice cup of tea would do just fine.  How about Trefoils, what goes well with shortbread?  A chardonnay?  Who knows?

Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery - How I Buy Girl Scout Cookies and WIN!Whether it’s wine, milk, tea, coffee or just plain water that I choose to pair with my Girl Scout Cookies, none of the choices will serve me well.  Thin Mints are my personal favorites and for years, even after my Lap Band surgery in 2004 I managed to fall prey to the little darlings selling them door to door, or in front of the market.  For a few years my youngest granddaughter was selling them as well, so I had the cookie order for the entire family from all over the country living in my spare bedroom.  OY!

Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery - How I Buy Girl Scout Cookies and WIN!For the last few years I have learned that I can say no thanks to these young entrepreneurs while allowing them to still earn points toward prizes and funds for their troops!  How do I do that?  I pull out a 5 dollar bill as soon as I see the girls in front of the market and I select a box to be sent to our Service Men and Women.  I do this for the entire time they are selling the cookies, every time I am approached by door to door or at a storefront.

By the end of the Cookie Selling Time I have made a nice donation to both sets of troops - the different Girl Scout Troops in my area and the service men and women who will receive my donation as a little love sent from home.

I get to buy the cookies and add no calories to my day……  winning 11+ years post-op.