Moving Off The Couch To Keep The Scale Moving I have said it before and I can’t help but keep repeating myself - Moving my body at least 5 days a week has been one of the major contributors to my long term success.  My mantra for many years was I hate working out, I hate sweating, I hate hurting.  Somewhere along this journey I have been on since 2004 that mantra changed to BRING IT BABY!  I will try it and either I can or I can’t, but I will NEVER say NO!  That is, to my trainer at the gym.  That is my attitude toward life now and it reflects in my fitness as well.  I am ready and willing to shoot for the starts and try anything that sounds interesting or fun to me.  I want to LIVE each and every day to it’s fullest and I can do that simply by being my best me each and every day.

  Moving Off The Couch To Keep The Scale Moving
  Moving Off The Couch To Keep The Scale Moving

Here’s the progression of my exercise:

Moving Off The Couch To Keep The Scale Moving I challenge myself every day to do a little more or work a little harder.  Some days I get it, other days I don’t.  That’s okay with me.  The critical piece is that I work to my best each day whatever that is.  That is my commitment to ME, my life, my health, my family, and to all of you who take the time to read my words.

I make NO EXCUSES for missing a workout.  I just show up and do it- tired, upset, or whatever emotion I may be wallowing in at the moment.

I always feel better when I am done and my body certainly shows it.  At 66 I am in better shape than I was at 46, and probably at 36 as well. 

Is it your day to get off the couch and do something your body will thank you for?