Non-Scale Victory After Weight Loss SurgeryWe lost our 18-year-old cat peacefully in her sleep about 8 weeks ago.  I totally miss having a fur baby in my lap in the evenings when I watch TV.  Since I was on the road most of July we didn’t even think about a new cat until we were home and our laundry was done.  Then it was my husband’s birthday.  Yes, he’s a Leo and we’ve always had cats.  I asked him if he wanted to go to the shelter and to PetSmart to look at kittens up for adoption and he said no, it was too soon.  I let it go for a day and then I asked him if we could just go to the shelter and find out the terms of adoption and go to PetSmart for the same thing.

Non-Scale Victory After Weight Loss SurgeryWell, you can figure out the rest.  We both fell in love with 2 separate kittens at PetSmart, who offers them for adoption as a service to the SPCA.  We went home and talked about it and on Friday, August 2, 2019 we brought home our two new kittens.  They were from separate litters, did not know each other and had spent their entire life being fostered and then at the SPCA.  They took to each other immediately but my husband’s new cat, who was named Nat by her foster family was skittish about being held.  We needed to socialize the cats and get them accustomed to their new surroundings.

Non-Scale Victory After Weight Loss SurgeryWe are currently keeping them in my husband’s office with the door closed.  They still get a little frightened of people standing up around them so it soon became apparent that in order to slowly have them accept being held and pet and cuddled one of us would need to sit down on the floor at their level.  That someone was and still is me.  I head into the room about 4 or 5 times a day to just play with them, feed them and check and see what mischief they have got into. 

Non-Scale Victory After Weight Loss SurgeryJust imagine me at 70 years old, weighing 424 pounds, trying to get up and down from the floor.  It didn’t happen before I had weight loss surgery at 55 years old so it certainly couldn’t happen at 70. 

I am happy to report that while I may not be as graceful as an 18 year old, I am getting up and down from the wood floor so that I can make these babies part of our household.  Oh, and by the way they are now coming out to be pet and played with although my husband’s cat will still only allow herself to be held for about 5 seconds.  No claws, no teeth, just politely squirms to be let down.

Both the cat and I are making great progress.

This is an NSV that I am celebrating.  Share yours with us.