Setting Goals For WLS Success
Setting Goals For WLS Success
Setting Goals For WLS Success
Setting Goals For WLS Success
Setting Goals For WLS Success
Setting Goals For WLS Success

Typically folks set a whole list of New Year’s Resolutions.  We are all serious about them, excited to get started with making them happen, and then somewhere between the second week of January and the rest of the year we lose steam.  I’ve thought about this and realized it’s because we frequently set up our resolutions as what we are not going to do, instead of what we’re going to do.  The other problem with resolutions that do speak to what we are going to do is they are a statement- a wish- with no action plan attached and oftentimes no check in with reality to see if they are doable in the universe we currently live in.

Yes, for those who know I’m rambling about setting SMART goals instead of wishes.  I’m talking about creating new habits (I will) in lieu of the stopping old ones (I will not do….).  All of this matters.

Here’s a little guidance about how I create my vision, my dream, make it into a goal and set up an action plan to get it.

Maybe it will help you define what you want to change.

My goal for 2015 was to complete a 5K (3.11 miles) in 30 minutes on the elliptical.  Somehow I thought this was possible so every time I stepped on the machine I pushed as hard as I could, and not only was I not getting there, I was having leg cramps at night.

What did I do next - this was my New Year’s resolution for 2015 - I didn’t want to fail?  I changed my attitude from one of failing to meet that resolution into reassessing the reality of that goal.  I would have to “run” on the elliptical at just a hair over a 9 minute mile for the entire 30 minutes.  I am 67 years young and not a runner so I realized the futility.  What was possible?  To complete a 5K in 40 minutes on the elliptical.  How did I manage that?  I broke it down as follows:

It worked.  I have successfully achieved the ability to complete a 5k in 40 minutes on the elliptical, and no more leg cramps.

I have 2 major fitness goals for 2016:

Here’s my plan for the 50 minute elliptical session:

Here’s my plan for sustaining the tree pose on either leg:

I have no doubt that I will achieve these two milestones for myself because I have the plans in place to make them happen and fitness is already a priority in my life.

Here’s a couple of examples of New Year’s Resolutions that will backfire on you and why around food and fitness:

There is lots more involved in setting goals, changing habits and being honest and real with yourself when setting goals than appears at first glance. 

I invite those who are ready to get Back on Track, learn how to set SMART goals and Exchange Habits, create a food plan that will work for you, and make 2016 your year….Join me in WLS Success Matters BACK ON TRACK check for the beginning of the next class.