Obesity Health 2016
Obesity Health 2016
Obesity Health 2016
Obesity Health 2016
Obesity Health 2016

This past weekend was the 2016 Obesity Help conference in Garden Grove CA.  Friday began with my not being able to drive down there from home, with all of the horrible traffic on the 405.  My rotator cuff is still giving me grief and holding the steering wheel for 2 ½ hours would only make it worse.  I absolutely detest not being able to do it myself.  Thanks to my amazing husband who is always there when I need him.

As I packed I tossed things in my suitcase to wear.  My “investment denim”, that is my “designer” jeans purchased when I hit my new low weight of 154, leggings, a top, my 2 piece bathing suit, a gown I bought a couple of years ago, shoes, my WLS Success Matters tank top and a sweater to wear to fend off the air conditioning.  Well you get the picture.  I threw all of this in the suitcase without trying any of it on.  I knew it would fit.  All of the clothes in my closet are one size; they are no longer displayed in skinny, growing, and biggest sizes.  This amazes me still, in a good way I might add, after spending the first 55 years of my life going up and down not 5 or 10 pounds, but hundreds of pounds. 

So, all of the clothes in my closet fit, right?  Well, I guess you can say that.  Or maybe I can’t really say that.  Saturday night I put on my gown, had some help zipping it up since my shoulder is still giving me grief and it was a left side zip, had no “control wear” on underneath and realized that it was time to give the gown away or have it altered since it was big on me.  Fortunately, (or perhaps unfortunately) it wasn’t so big that it didn’t stay up.  It was a one shoulder deal so I think that kept it in place.  I was certainly comfortable all night in my loose fitting gown.

This particular non-scale victory brings me joy!  I guess it’s time to go back through my closet and see what else is too big.  My consistency with my food choices and my hard work in the gym is allowing me to continue to “shrink” without losing weight.  This 68 year young body continues to tighten (even as some parts want to sag with age).  Who would have thought this possible 12+ years ago as I was making the decision to have Weight Loss Surgery?  I certainly didn’t even dream of the possibility of ever wearing a gown without wearing control garments underneath, or jeans and a tank top tucked in with a belt, or leggings and a top.  It was all loose stretch pants, and ginormous flowy tops to hide what was underneath.

Today I am proud of who I am, and while my body is far from perfect, it is MY BODY and I am proud of it.

What are you proud of today?