Packing My Suitcase Then And Now
Packing My Suitcase Then And Now

I am currently getting ready to leave on a vacation to celebrate my 69th birthday, and as I reflect on previous vacations and the horror around packing I am once again thrilled with my life as it is today, vs as it was prior to weight loss surgery.

I am dreaming of getting showered and dressed for dinner after a day spent lounging and swimming on the beach and this is how it was for me prior to 2004, and how it is for me today:

THEN:  Oh my gosh do I have a bathing suit that still fits me.  I better go look and try them all on and see which one will work.  And then prayers said to myself that one still fits

NOW:  My two piece is in the top drawer of the armoire.  I will grab it and a tankini and toss them in the suitcase

THEN:  What do I have that looks halfway decent that I can wear out to dinner in a nice restaurant?  Time to drag everything out of the closet in the largest size and try it all on and decide what works and doesn’t make me look like a cow.

NOW:  I’ll pack a few pair of leggings, a few tops, a sundress or two and I’m good to go.  Oh, better not forget to pack my work out attire, my bathing cap, and swim goggles.

THEN:  I’ll get some chocolate dipped almonds and some pretzels for the flight and pack them in my carry-on.  I can get some chips and a Coke at the airport to bring on the plane.

NOW:  I’ll pack a protein bar in my carry on and grab a salad or a wrap to share with hubby for dinner at the airport, along with my liter of water after I get through security.

THEN:  I’ll buy everything I need once I get there.  We’re going to eat every meal out anyway and I can get lots of snacks for the room if there is no mini bar.

Packing My Suitcase Then And Now
Packing My Suitcase Then And Now
NOW:  I’ll pack some protein bars and some almonds in my checked bag along with protein powder, shaker bottle, and all my vitamins and supplements and my tea for the room.  I know I can throw these in my backpack when we go hiking.  We’ll pick up a case of water, some yogurt, hard boiled eggs, and lunch meat for a quick breakfast or lunch in the room.  I won’t overdo the calories the entire week.  I hate eating breakfast out - it’s a waste… lunch is ok as long as there is shrimp cocktail, raw ahi tuna or fresh mahi-mahi, but I prefer either a turkey and cheese roll up or some ahi poke (available at the supermarket in paradise), and save the gourmet stuff for dinners.

It’s different now.  It’s wonderful.  I make sure that my needs are accommodated with the planned food for breakfast and lunch in the room if we want that or are hanging at the pool or local beach.  I am not planning high calorie, junk food snacks and meals for the airport or the hotel.  I continue to live mindfully, planning for high protein foods, water, fitness and supplements rather than a week of unlimited food and drink and doing nothing.

Packing My Suitcase Then And Now
Packing My Suitcase Then And Now
Oh, I still do a lot of relaxing like sitting in the sunshine reading a book, swimming laps for a while and then drying off in the warmth of the sun, enjoying a nice dinner, and yes, a cocktail or a glass of wine.  I go hiking, snorkeling, fishing, and will try stand up paddle boarding again.  I LIVE my life and am grateful for all that I am physically able to do now that was not possible for me at 424 pounds and over 13 years ago.

In addition to that I can dress up and feel good about how I look and how I feel or dress down and feel good in a bathing suit and cover up.  I can just FEEL GOOD.

I am neither focusing on food nor worried that my clothes will not fit.

The NSV’s (Non Scale Victories) that my weight loss surgery has provided me include stress free packing, stress free vacationing, and truly enjoying just being ME.

Have a wonderful week everyone.  I am off to paradise…  Happy Birthday To Me!