Banded Living Daily Special

Perfect Pumpkin Protein Bake

Perfect Pumpkin Protein Bake

Tis the season of pumpkin as soon as the calendar hits November.  Here is a recipe that is perfect because the nutritional stats work for a full piece for breakfast, or 1/2 a piece for snack and it is perfectly delicious.  Bring it to a pot luck or to the office and nobody will know it’s sugar free and protein packed.  It can be topped with a small dollop of plain Greek yogurt or whipped topping - be sure to add those calories.



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Spray an 8x8 brownie pan with non stick spray (I use coconut oil spray)
  3. Put all ingredients in the blend and blend until combined
  4. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 45-55 minutes until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean
  5. Cool, slice and serve or wrap and save

Nutrition:  Makes

6 breakfast sized servings at

12 snack size servings at