Sandi before Weight Loss Surgery
"See, I did manage to smile once in a while."

I often get hung up in the details of things, planning to the nth degree, but somehow, even after attending support groups before surgery, and following my doctor’s instructions, I still did not have everything I needed in the house for right after my Lap Band® surgery. I had tried many and decided on one protein drink, had some soups and some sugar free jello, but that was about it. It would have been much easier on my husband, and less stressful for me, had I been given a list of what I needed to have in the house. Here is a list of some non medical items you might want to have on hand before you go for your surgery This list below is an excerpt from our Banded Living™ interview – 7 Things You Should Know as You Prepare for Gastric Banding

If you are preparing for surgery, CONGRATULATIONS! You have done your research and decided to take control of your health.Your gastric banding surgery is the first day of the rest of your life. Welcome to Banded Living™. This list should have just about everything you need to get started without having to send someone to the store for you while you are still on pain medication…  I don’t want you to get a DUI.