Banded Living Daily Special

Quick And Easy Three Ingredient Chicken Salad

Quick And Easy Three Ingredient Chicken Salad

I had two five ounce cans of chicken that I had purchased with a coupon so they were incredibly inexpensive.  Found out I could toss this together in 5 minutes and have a tasty lunch ready in the frig so there were no excuses.  This would pack well in a Tupperware container to take to work with you.  You could throw it over salad greens, or eat it right out of the container.  It could also make nice “stuffing” for a tomato.  Your imagination is the only limit here.



  1. Open and drain the canned chicken.  I take it one step further and drain the chicken in a colander and then rinse it lightly to remove the sodium it is packed with.
  2. Chop ½ of the bell pepper
  3. Place chicken, chopped bell pepper and 4 tablespoons of the Greek Yogurt dip into a bowl.  Toss well and add any other seasonings you might like.  (I added a bit of fresh ground pepper, one light shake of roasted paprika and a shake of red chili peppers)

You are ready to enjoy immediately or refrigerate for later.

Nutritional info:  Makes two servings of around