Weight Loss Surgery - 15 Years and CountingAs I stood in the shower at the gym after my swim this morning, I noticed all of the space around me.  It was easy to move, bend down, wash my back and everything else.  Then I remembered.  Fifteen years ago, at 424 pounds my body reached all the way across the shower and I had to be careful not to hit the walls, bending down was impossible as was reaching my entire body to wash.  In public restrooms I used the handicap stall because I barely squeezed into the regular stalls.  In the pool I couldn’t share a lane with anyone because I took up the entire lane no matter how small I tried to make myself.  My husband and I took up the entire width of a king size bed (I took up most of it).  I had to check out new restaurants before we went anywhere to make sure they didn’t have only captain’s chairs which I didn’t fit into or booths which also presented a problem.

Weight Loss Surgery - 15 Years and CountingYes, life was difficult and all of this, along with my health concerns is what had me choose weight loss surgery.  Now, 15 years later I may have other “problems” as my body turns 71 years old, but they are not keeping me from living my best life.  I walk with confidence, no longer thinking everyone is looking at me or making fun of me.  I eat healthy foods, and sometimes not so healthy foods.  I exercise a minimum of 210 minutes per week and live an active life, often hiking, bicycling, snorkeling, diving just for fun.

I am grateful for the life I have created for myself after weight loss surgery.

Weight Loss Surgery - 15 Years and CountingMy birthday, in September, is nearly upon us as I turn 71 years young.  I never would have been alive to enjoy my grandkids, enjoy my husband, and the freedom to travel that we have.  I enjoy life, and giving back to this community that has given me so much, as I journey through my life after weight loss surgery.