Banded Living Daily Special

Shrimply Good Salad

Shrimply Good Salad

I love shrimp because they are a great source of protein as well as potassium and calcium and low in calories.  They make for a tasty treat whether in a stir fry, curry or simply chopped and added to some chopped egg, celery, onion and carrot for a great lettuce topper and a yummy lunch or dinner. 



  1. Chop the shrimp
  2. Chop the hard boiled eggs
  3. Mix the shrimp.  Eggs, celery, onion and carrot together in a bowl, tossing until well mixed
  4. Add the yogurt, salt, pepper and a little Dijon mustard for a bit of extra pizzazz
  5. Blend all ingredients together
  6. Refrigerate for at least an hour to allow flavors to mix and intensify
  7. Serve on a bed of lettuce with a side of sliced cucumbers and tomatoes, topping with a sprig of parsley for an attractive luncheon plate.

Nutrition :  This makes four servings each around