Success After Weight Loss Surgery - Eat This, Not That!When you all read this I will be lounging in the sun on the Big Island of Hawaii and getting ready to take a night dive with the Manta Rays.  Last time we were there we saw no rays but did get to see lots of fish, sea snakes dancing on the ocean floor, and moray eels slithering around rather than hiding in rocks as they do in the daylight.  This time I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful manta rays.  Wish me luck!

Success After Weight Loss Surgery - Eat This, Not That!I’m sure I will come home with stories to tell about the volcano, the rain forest, the rays, the fish, the turtles, and more, but for the moment, I want to talk about food, one of my favorite subjects.  Over the past 11 years I have morphed from a junk food junkie to a picky foodie.  I only eat food that tastes good.  If it doesn’t taste good I don’t want it.  No more cardboard protein bars, or sugar free whatever with nasty aftertastes; no more tuna for lunch 5 days a week so I don’t have to think about it.

I am comfortable having fun in my kitchen and creating swaps that please my palette and my waistline both.  It is possible.

Success After Weight Loss Surgery - Eat This, Not That!
Success After Weight Loss Surgery - Eat This, Not That!

Here are a few quick and easy swaps that, if you haven’t yet, you must try if you want to enjoy tasty food and your favorite investment denim:

These are just a few of the ways I can cut calories and still have tasty foods.