Taking Care of Me First - Long Term Success After Lap Band SurgeryI had a revelation yesterday while I was at the orthopedic doctor’s office.  I meal plan, I weigh and measure most of my food, I get in at least 200 minutes of fit living each week, I see my bariatric surgeon on a regular basis, I take my vitamins and supplements, I drink my water.  Yes, I am a rule follower for sure.  That’s how I lost, and am maintaining the loss of, 270 pounds since my surgery in 2004.  Good on me, right? 

If that’s case why did it take me 2 months to realize that the increasing pain in my knee was because it had been over 6 months since I had seen my orthopedist for my semiannual injection of hyaluronic acid in my knee?  Why was I sleeping poorly, waking in pain, not being able to find a comfortable spot in bed for my leg, and generally being a grouch during the day because my pain level was up and Tylenol didn’t do anything to relieve it?  Having a lap band I choose to not use any of the NSAIDS (like ibuprofen or Aleve, etc.).

Taking Care of Me First - Long Term Success After Lap Band SurgeryLast week, June 15th, I finally called the orthopedist and had the receptionist look up my last appointment date since my insurance would only cover the injections every 6 months.  To my surprise I was told that October 15th was my last visit.  Oh My, now I knew what was going on.  Of course, at that point I wanted to see the doctor that very next day, and that was not possible.  I scheduled an appointment for the first week in July and asked to be put on the cancellation list.

The angels of cancellation were watching over me and I got to see the doctor and get the first of my 3 injections yesterday, June 21st.  Almost immediately 60% of the pain was gone.  This morning I noted that I was able to get out of bed without limping, and my workout at the gym was with very little notice of my knee.  And that’s only with the first shot.  I am hoping for more relief over the next two weeks and more, since all of my reading indicates that it often takes up to 5 weeks for the full effects to be felt.  This is great news to me.  I suffered needlessly for 2 months.  Here’s a link to read about hyaluronic acid injections in arthritic knee joints if you’re interested that I found on the Arthritis Organization website http://www.arthritis.org/living-with-arthritis/treatments/medication/drug-types/other/hyaluronic-acid-injections.php

Taking Care of Me First - Long Term Success After Lap Band SurgeryIf you are suffering with knee pain and avoid exercise because of it - I cannot suggest too strongly that you go see an orthopedic doc and find out about alternatives.  Personally, I have been able to put off my knee replacement, which I do not look forward to, for the past 12 years with these injections.  I am NOT a doctor, and I am NOT recommending anything but going to see a specialist to find out the possibilities.

My point in this blog is simply that we may think we are putting ourselves first with our food/water/fitness, but be aware there is more to look at in terms of making yourself a priority and you are worth taking the time to think about YOU and how to make your days and your quality of life the best it can be.