Banded Living Featured Product

Tex-Mex Shrimp Salad

Tex-Mex Shrimp Salad

We all know the basics for tuna salad, chicken salad, shrimp salad, and sometimes the flavors just get old. Well here’s a way to refresh those flavors. I have chosen shrimp, but you can easily substitute chicken, turkey, tuna, crab. Use your imagination. Be sure to change the nutritional values if you change the recipe.



  1. Mix Greek yogurt, lime juice, cumin and chili powder in a large bowl
  2. Stir in all of the remaining ingredients and enjoy!

Nutritional value:  This makes 2 servings, each one is around

Pro-Tip:  If you like, this can be spread on large romaine lettuce leaves and wrapped, or you can use it to top off a salad and add a thin slice of avocado, a sprig of cilantro and a slice of lime…yummmm