Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Blog | Wellesse

Tips to Stay Motivated During and After Weight Loss

More often than not, it isn’t the initial time period after bariatric weight loss surgery, or during dieting or losing weight that gets people. It’s sustaining the weight loss efforts and maintaining motivation that is the critical factor to continuing and keeping the weight off long-term.

Believe in Yourself

Motivation is so critical that research indicates those who are highly motivated and also have a high level of self-efficacy (the belief in themselves that they can overcome hurdles and achieve their goals) are the most successful.

The problem is many who are very overweight do not believe in themselves enough to overcome the hurdles of obesity that have been a part of their lives for so long.  It can be done with a lot of dedication and diligence.

How do you get and stay motivated?

Step 1:
Start believing you can do it.  
If you don’t believe this right now begin with positive self talk, sticky notes with pep-talk like sayings and surrounding yourself with people who believe you can do it and tell you so frequently (it is important to let others know your goals and tell them how they can help encourage you along the way). Support groups are great for this either in person or online.

Step 2:
Write down your goals and review them daily
. Tell yourself every single day why you want to lose weight.  Write down everything you eat and what exercise you do and how it made you feel.  Write down how many calories in and out.  This helps to identify why maybe your weight loss has plateaued.

Step 3:
If you’ve tried to diet before, what has gone wrong or why didn’t you stick with it? List the reasons then list how you will overcome them or do things differently this time. Commit to not making any excuses. 

Step 4:
During your journey, post pictures of your changes (before and after pictures are very motivating for yourself and others) or review what has improved – blood lipids, energy levels, sleep, how you feel about yourself. Write every single one of these changes down and review them along with your goals, daily.

Step 5:
Change it up
. If you are tired of the same routine in the gym, set a rock climbing date with one of your friends, hire a personal trainer or join a dance class. Do something new and reward yourself with good fitting, nice workout clothes. After all, if you look good you’ll feel good and you should feel good about yourself in the gym – a ratty t-shirt with holes won’t give you that feeling.  New swimsuit as a reward?

Step 6:
Remember it’s a journey, not a sprint.
Stay focused on sustainable changes you can live with, not a crash diet.

Don't get down on yourself if you"fall off the wagon" once in awhile.  It's normal.  What you need to do is refocus and tell yourself you will do better "tomorrow" and then be sure to reward yourself along the way as you reach each goal.


Looking for a little more inspiration? Check out these blogs:

Jack Fit – humor mixed in with weight loss strategies and tips.

The World According to Eggface – post gastric bypass surgery, she’s kept the weight off and was able to ditch 8 medications in the process.

Fit2Fat2Fit – a personal trainer who purposely gained 70 lbs to see what his clients were going through when they tried to lose weight.

Banded Living - great articles and forum by 2 ladies who had lap band surgery  - very honest blog all about after weight loss surgery and more