The Week Before Christmas It’s the week before Christmas and even in my house the treats abound.  Let’s begin with the Lindor Truffles in a little silver basket on top of my wine cabinet and continue through to the chocolate covered almonds sent to all current employees and retired personnel of my husband’s former employer.

The Week Before Christmas So, I can walk by the truffles, which I LOVE and not stop to have one.  They’ve been up there for 3 weeks and I have had a total of 2, which I count as a huge non-scale victory.  Yet the almonds, which do not taste nearly as good, and give me heartburn to boot - I have had trouble resisting.  I’ve done much better this year than in prior years because I didn’t take them to my desk, or my chair in the evening, and just munch until I had consumed enough in my opinion.  I am making a conscious effort to avoid them these last 3 days, and I am succeeding.

The Week Before Christmas Why is even this small amount of holiday sugar in my house you might ask?  I ask myself the same question, but 12 years ago when I began the tradition of putting up both Hanukkah and Christmas decorations the Lindor chocolates became a part of it.  I have folks in and out of my house all day and all evening long since my granddaughter is living with me and works odd hours as she’s in retail.  The treats are there for them, while they might not “need” sugar either, I decided to keep the tradition going, and for the last 2 days I am winning over the almonds and will continue to do so.  I think my love affair with the chocolate covered almonds came from the fact that they were free… which I know is pretty stupid.  I buy a large bag of the Lindor chocolates and keep refilling the little silver basket covered with snowflakes until it is gone. 

The Week Before Christmas So, my goal for the rest of this week - actually my goal until the candy dishes are empty is to avoid reaching in for anything.

There were treats at my hairdressers, treats at the doctor’s office, everywhere we turn we are tempted with sugar.

The Week Before Christmas Please pass the water bottle so I can put something in my mouth!

Happy Holidays to all.  Enjoy your family time, or just your time off and leave the sugar alone.  You’ll be happier if you do.

Share with me how you avoid the sugar bombs that are all around us this time of year.