Happy New Year 2012

Here it is, the start of a New Year.  It's a time for reflection, to look at the past year and see which of our resolutions we managed to "keep".  It's the time when we all make new lists of promises to ourselves that we have all sorts of good intentions of keeping.  Lists that include things like:

Many of us (I am definitely on the list) make resolutions for the New Year because we know we SHOULD.  Everyone needs goals, right?  Right, but with a few "caveats". 

Sandi Before 2004

I remember all of the diets I started on January 1st, after spending New Year's Eve overindulging in food and drink.  I would pledge to start a diet and lose weight- be it 10, 20, 50 or 100 pounds.  I would do it because I needed to and knew I should.  Hmmm how long did that last?  Until someone offered me a cookie or a piece of candy.  Well, maybe I held out with the first offer, but by the time the offer came for that next cookie, just how was I supposed to say no?

How about exercising 2 hours a day?  If you are like me you might do it once and then, when you woke up with your body in excruciating pain, you clearly had an excuse to take a couple of days, or maybe the rest of your life off.  But I should exercise, shouldn't I?

Getting out of debt is another good one.  I would usually start off this resolution singing the "if I can't pay cash for it I can't have it" song.  But then, look down the list....I see travel to new places on that list.  So how am I supposed to travel if I can't use my credit card to get there?  And, I have to have new clothes if I am going on a vacation adventure, right?

Reduce stress.  Ok, that sounds great and could be easy for some of you out there, but for me????  If I am on a diet, exercising until my body is tied up like a pretzel and having to shop for new clothes so I can go on my adventure trip to an unknown place, well this is all SO STRESSFUL.  I need a drink...and a cigarette.  I have clearly bitten off much more than I can chew and have sabotaged myself into inaction.  Yay me?

You get the picture.  Actually it's many pictures if you stop and analyze.  That is, unless making lists is one of your resolutions.  Then you will have succeeded.

There are a few things going on here that are sure fire indicators of failure.  The first being this list is probably identical to last year's list of resolutions.  What makes you think that repeating the process year after year will get you anywhere?  I spent 53 of the 56 years I lived before having weight loss surgery dieting and failing.  Once I had a tool to help and the resolve and a plan of action I was able to succeed in losing weight and keeping it off.  Are you making lists of things you are not going to accomplish or do you want to set a plan in motion to get something done in the next 12 months?  Are you only listing your "faults" - what needs fixing, or are you going to reflect on what you have accomplished in the past year and how you did it?  Are your resolutions a wish list, a list of "shoulds", or are they actionable items that you can reasonably accomplish given where you are in your life at this moment?  Even though the sky is the limit and we have the ability to do amazing things, we have to step out of the clouds for a moment, however briefly, set ourselves on the ground and figure out how we are going to soar higher and farther than we ever have before.  I call this a plan.

Let's look at these typical New Year's resolutions with a plan in mind and see what they can morph into.

Sandi and the Princess

This list of resolutions appears a little more manageable to me once I have put context to each of them.  I just picked some of the most frequently made resolutions to make my point.  Take life in small bites and chew thoroughly.  It is one of the Lessons of Successful Lap Band Patients that can be applied in all areas of life.

As we start this New Year, my 8th year after having my LAP BAND® surgery, my 8th year with a tool that has supported me on a journey I never thought possible full of amazing accomplishments that we in this community of weight loss surgery patients call NSV's (non scale victories) I would like to take a moment to acknowledge all of you who have achieved your own personal victories that may include, but are definitely not limited to any of the following:

There are so many, many more I can't possibly cover them all.  My personal favorite, for me, this year was realizing that I was putting on my jeans without sitting down or leaning against anything - I was balancing my own weight.

Now that I can see how far I have come this past year I can think about what I want to accomplish in the coming year.  My #1 New Year's resolution for 2012 is to continue to learn how to love myself so that I can continue to achieve amazing results in my life, one bite at a time.

Happy New Year 2012