Where I Go For Motivation  
Where I Go For Motivation
Where I Go For Motivation
Where I Go For Motivation

So it’s Monday morning, my sinuses are congested, my knee is screaming at me, my hip aches from my hike yesterday and it’s time to get ready for the gym.  The way I see it, I have only two choices - to go to the gym or stay home.  So let’s look at both of them for a minute or two:

It's not rocket science.  Getting regular exercise, whatever your body, your doctor and your physical abilities allows is good for you.  It’s good for me.  I found my sweet spot with swimming, elliptical and weight lifting.  It’s allowed me to add hiking and biking and beach walking to my life and not be the crotchety old hen who is always complaining or whining.  I can maintain a positive attitude the majority of the time and partake of the most magnificent vistas that life has to offer to me whether they be right outside my front door, 50 miles away or thousands of miles away.  By choosing ME, by just taking myself to the gym each day and doing the best that I can the entire world has become my amusement park - and guess what - I fit on ALL the rides.

So where do I go for motivation?  That’s right, I go to ME to my why for doing what I do and the joy that the freedom and flexibility of getting fit and staying fit has brought me.  It all started with 1 single lap in the pool.